Made up of father and son duo Mark and Jack Blamire, Grow up’s work uses striking typography, bold colours and Mark’s well-established graphic design roots to poke fun at and challenge everyday elements of advertising and modern life, inspired by the intense societal pressure to ‘grow up’ and the effect that this can have on the nations collective well-being.
Debuting January 25th, Grow up will be unveiling a new edition of prints, in a colourway exclusive to Helm. Aptly dubbed the ‘FOMO’ series, the title of the works (an acronym of the phrase ‘Fear of missing out’) refers to modern day consumer culture as well as the common hysteria associated with the idea of ‘missing out’, be it on a purchase, trend or event. The release is particularly timely around this period of the year, during which dramatic January sale announcements flood social media and email inboxes and the nation recovers from a period of overspending and excess.
This special edition consists of 100 prints and introduces a 100-tier pricing system. The first print starts at just £1, with each subsequent print increasing by £1, ending at £100. That’s right—only one print per price tier is available, making each piece as exclusive as it is affordable.
The ironic nature of the release in keeping with their tongue-in-cheek approach to their practice. Launching in a brand new fluorescent pink colourway, this release is a rare opportunity to acquire some of the duo’s iconic screen-prints at a unique price-point. The edition will be available online and in person from January 25th at 10:00am. For any enquiries please email or call us on 01273 964 320.
Release Details:
- Date: 25th January
- Time: 10:00 AM
- Edition Size: 100 prints
- Dimensions: 35cm x 35cm
- Pricing: £1 to £100 (one of each price tier)